1.   There are many factors which can restrict the choice and ordering of themes in translation.

2.   Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, the C.-in-C.

3.   Law meant the right ordering of society on earth and it reflected Divine Law.

4.   Certainly not in a des descending order of importance.

5.   But Eagle has suddenly emerged from the background and is about to announce an aircraft order of a magnitude that could constitute a defining moment for the entire industry.

6.   But it suffers by comparison with country, that harsh and lovely place, raw with basic cycles and eminently rational in its ordering of life.

7.   The calendar that we use today was designed in the sixth century, under orders of Pope John I, to honor Jesus Christ.

8.   Why not a half order of each?

9.   Another key provision was how inspections are to be ordered of suspected violators.

10.   It is in this ordering of priorities that often polarizes women activists who have mapped out different strategies for their struggle.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
speak 6.41%
complain 4.42%
talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
order 0.02%
order + p. >>共 61
to 19.57%
in 15.92%
into 11.09%
out_of 11.09%
off 8.35%
up 4.83%
after 4.11%
out 3.65%
through 2.67%
with 2.15%
of 0.91%
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