1.   It is a measure lawyers use to argue for orders to freeze everyone in place while they fight out a lawsuit.

2.   The SEC got a temporary restraining order to freeze the assets of both persons.

3.   Nelson Aspe, an officer of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, said his agency expected orders Tuesday to freeze bank accounts linked to Estrada.

4.   The order would temporarily freeze or cut rates until new mechanisms for setting prices according to market forces can be put in place.

5.   The orders freeze the assets and prohibit citizens of those countries from doing business with the named individuals and organizations.

6.   The order freezes any assets they have in the United States, bars them from any business with Americans and cuts them off from the U.S. financial system.

n. + freeze >>共 359
government 11.28%
bank 2.56%
authority 2.33%
water 2.33%
people 2.21%
court 2.09%
pipe 1.98%
man 1.98%
company 1.74%
judge 1.28%
order 0.81%
order + v. >>共 556
be 24.00%
come 9.06%
have 1.98%
fall 1.92%
go 1.72%
require 1.46%
apply 1.43%
say 1.40%
remain 1.34%
rise 1.31%
freeze 0.20%
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