1.   Bishop Alex Dickson of Tennessee said liberal bishops were threatening the unity of the church by ordaining gays and lesbians.

2.   Presbyterians, like other mainline Protestant groups, are divided over the question of ordaining gays and lesbians.

3.   Some of those churches are flouting denominational policy by ordaining gays and lesbians as deacons and elders, which are important leadership posts within the church.

4.   Supporters of the ban on ordaining gays vowed to continue the fight when the debate shifts to the presbyteries.

5.   The convention also refused to bar diocesan bishops from ordaining gays.

6.   The group protested at recent Presbyterian and United Methodist national conventions, where delegates opposed consecrating same-sex unions and ordaining gays.

a. + gay >>共 68
young 8.11%
active 5.41%
dutch 5.41%
ordaining 5.41%
practicing 4.50%
older 3.60%
black 3.60%
zimbabwean 2.70%
closeted 1.80%
allowing 1.80%
ordaining + n. >>共 8
woman 42.86%
gay 17.14%
homosexual 17.14%
man 8.57%
priest 5.71%
bishop 2.86%
clergy 2.86%
minister 2.86%
每页显示:    共 6