1.   During this time he was ordained deacon and priest.

2.   Anne Stewart, a professor of nursing at Simmons College and a baptized Roman Catholic, recently became an ordained permanent deacon at St. Francis.

3.   He is now an ordained deacon in the Baptist Church and spends a great deal of time talking publicly about drug abuse to school and youth groups.

4.   Today, Pryor is an ordained deacon in the Baptist Church, trains boxers in the Cincinnati Golden Gloves program and speaks to youths about his substance abuse.

a. + deacon >>共 23
church 29.82%
female 8.77%
gay 8.77%
permanent 8.77%
cardinal 7.02%
ordained 7.02%
black 1.75%
catholic 1.75%
elderly 1.75%
first 1.75%
ordained + n. >>共 21
minister 58.12%
priest 14.14%
ministry 5.76%
clergy 3.66%
rabbi 3.14%
woman 3.14%
deacon 2.09%
man 1.57%
pastor 1.57%
role 1.05%
每页显示:    共 4