1.   Bargouti, watching on a street corner, was asked of Israeli allegations that the Palestinian street violence was orchestrated.

2.   Israeli acting Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said the violence was orchestrated by Arafat to put pressure on the Israelis for concessions in the peace talks.

3.   Milosevic and his henchmen stand accused of deliberately orchestrating violence that took hundreds of thousands of lives and uprooted millions, scattering many of them across Europe and beyond.

4.   On Wednesday, people in the neighborhoods talked about how the violence was orchestrated.

5.   Sinn Fein denied that it orchestrated the violence, insisting that it has sponsored only peaceful rallies.

6.   Still, there is restraint, especially by those who can orchestrate the violence.

7.   That was what was misconstrued to say I orchestrated violence.

8.   Thaci denies orchestrating the violence and pointed to his public statements condemning the latest attack and others.

9.   The Israelis accuse Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of orchestrating the violence to extract concessions from Israel.

10.   The police said the violence had been orchestrated by the Ulster Defense Association, an illegal paramilitary group.

v. + violence >>共 558
end 6.15%
prevent 5.30%
stop 5.23%
report 4.14%
use 4.00%
condemn 3.01%
fear 2.74%
renounce 2.66%
curb 2.59%
quell 2.18%
orchestrate 0.39%
orchestrate + n. >>共 312
attack 10.10%
violence 4.02%
campaign 2.85%
protest 2.59%
riot 2.20%
killing 2.20%
move 1.68%
effort 1.30%
change 1.17%
event 1.17%
每页显示:    共 31