1.   An orbiting telescope now extends the cone of vision out to the very edges of creation.

2.   Astronomers are in the early stages of planning a more powerful replacement for the orbiting Hubble telescope.

3.   As the telescope circles the Earth, the astronauts-repairmen will make five space walks to perform routine maintenance and install some new instruments on the orbiting telescope.

4.   Daniel S. Goldin, the NASA administrator, certainly meant no disrespect for the orbiting telescope, regarded by many as the most successful space project of the decade.

5.   Fortunately, the orbiting telescope was designed for regular upgrades by visiting shuttle astronauts.

6.   In both cases, astronomers used the orbiting Hubble telescope to record the periodic fluctuations in brightness of stars known as Cepheid variables.

7.   New photographs by the orbiting Hubble telescope have upset thinking about quasars, the most energetic objects in the universe.

8.   Perlmutter described an orbiting telescope that would perform all three functions.

9.   The latest pictures were taken by a new camera installed on the orbiting telescope early last year.

10.   The orbiting telescope peered deep into space to get these unusual pictures of galaxies that had already formed when the universe was one-tenth its present age.

a. + telescope >>共 155
new 6.52%
powerful 6.04%
small 6.04%
ground-based 5.31%
ultraviolet 5.07%
large 4.83%
optical 4.59%
orbiting 3.38%
infrared 2.90%
giant 1.69%
orbiting + n. >>共 74
outpost 19.18%
station 12.89%
satellite 11.95%
spacecraft 5.97%
laboratory 5.03%
complex 5.03%
telescope 4.40%
planet 2.20%
observatory 1.89%
astronaut 1.57%
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