1.   The golden orb weaver, in contrast, repairs half of its web each day, but never the whole web.

2.   The largest orb weaver is the argiope.

3.   The older the female golden orb weavers are, the sloppier their webs, said Larry Harjehausen, a volunteer guide at John D. MacArthur Beach State Park.

4.   Until now, scientists had decoded silk proteins from only four species of orb weavers.

n. + weaver >>共 21
carpet 26.67%
orb 8.89%
basket 6.67%
rug 6.67%
woman 6.67%
country 4.44%
hand-loom 4.44%
handloom 4.44%
textile 4.44%
dream 2.22%
orb + n. >>共 7
spider 28.57%
weaver 28.57%
web 14.29%
hang 7.14%
photograph 7.14%
silk 7.14%
speaker 7.14%
每页显示:    共 4