1.   As a researcher associated with Sloan-Kettering, he subsequently linked excessive tobacco use with cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pancreas and bladder.

2.   Additional screening tests are available for cancer of the pelvis, oral cavity, prostate, skin, thyroid, testicles, and other organs.

3.   Munoz said that Grossman had undergone a tracheotomy on Thursday, and had surgery Friday to reconstruct his oral cavity, jaw and other bones in his face.

4.   Sea urchins have spicules in their oral cavities, called teeth, that filter out food from sea water.

5.   The extraordinary wall-size oral cavity that the viewer sees appears to be an opening to a nether world that one would do well to avoid.

6.   While lung cancer mortality rates are lower for cigar than cigarette smokers, death rates for cancers of the oral cavity are higher.

7.   Cancers already identified as being caused by smoking include lung, oral cavity, gullet, larynx, pharynx, pancreas and the bladder.

8.   You can help reduce plaque accumulation and virulency in your oral cavity by maintaining effective toothbrushing procedures and checking your diet.

a. + cavity >>共 98
abdominal 19.18%
nasal 8.22%
common 7.76%
underground 4.57%
oral 3.65%
small 2.28%
large 1.83%
hollow 1.83%
empty 1.37%
huge 1.37%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
cavity 0.55%
每页显示:    共 8