1.   Through the completion of core and optional modules students may cover aspects of related qualifications, such as the Certificate of Travel Agency Competence.

2.   Work experience will provide the opportunity for personal and social development of the student along with the underpinning of skills covered in the core and optional modules.

3.   In addition, computer mediated conferencing and other software facilities are available to improve Information Technology skills, together with a further optional learning module.

4.   Each trainee is encouraged to take optional modules relevant to his or her placement.

5.   Four further modules must be chosen from a wide range of optional modules.

6.   Nine optional modules must be taken, candidates choosing three modules from each of three optional groupings, out of a total of nine such groupings.

7.   Candidates will also take three mandatory modules dealing with design skills, and a choice of two modules from an extensive list of optional modules.

8.   In the main, the amendments relate to the optional modules within the qualifications.

9.   You can replace the drive with a variety of optional modules, including a magneto-optical drive, a second hard drive or even an internal AC adapter.

10.   Several optional modules are also available to complement the specific industry requirements.

a. + module >>共 255
new 8.09%
damaged 4.35%
existing 3.26%
first 2.54%
russian 2.54%
individual 2.54%
the 2.17%
valid 2.05%
specific 1.93%
current 1.69%
optional 1.21%
optional + n. >>共 343
extra 3.31%
workout 2.89%
practice 2.62%
equipment 2.48%
feature 2.34%
protocol 2.07%
service 1.93%
retirement 1.65%
module 1.38%
trim 1.38%
每页显示:    共 10