1.   In the preliminary round, athletes perform five or six optional dives, depending on the event.

2.   In the finals, scores for the required dives carry over and the athletes repeat their optional dives.

3.   Optional dives are performed in the quarterfinal, followed by required dives in the semifinal and optionals again in the final.

4.   The finals involve six optional dives, compared with five compulsory dives performed in the semifinals.

5.   The preliminary and final rounds will consist of optional dives, while the semifinals will consist of required dives.

6.   She started the final, in which points from the semi-finals are carried over, in third place, but dominated the final phase of five optional dives.

a. + dive >>共 209
steep 7.11%
final 4.67%
first 4.22%
second 2.44%
big 2.22%
deep 2.22%
last 2.00%
third 1.78%
difficult 1.78%
quick 1.56%
optional 1.33%
optional + n. >>共 343
extra 3.31%
workout 2.89%
practice 2.62%
equipment 2.48%
feature 2.34%
protocol 2.07%
service 1.93%
retirement 1.65%
module 1.38%
trim 1.38%
dive 0.83%
每页显示:    共 6