1.   Officials say the options will offer investors a longer time in which to accrue profits.

2.   Both options still offer plenty of benefit.

3.   Capizzi countered that the professor was not taking into account the options offered a prosecutor under California law.

4.   Forty-four chose the canyoning option offered in their package, and most of the victims are believed to be Contiki clients.

5.   Just choose the Work Offline or Go Offline option offered in the File menu of most e-mail programs.

6.   Listed options offer the benefit of liquidity, listed prices and regulation by an exchange.

7.   New shut-down options offer a sleep mode that powers down a desktop computer but allows a quick resumption of work.

8.   One option offers no transportation, but allows you to book hotels or private housing anywhere in the region.

9.   Other options offer stories on her previous job as Fort Worth mayor and her committee assignments.

10.   Other options offered included performing at the Sydney Opera House, in the Olympic torch relay ceremonies and at the opening of the soccer games.

n. + offer >>共 1413
company 7.22%
government 3.31%
site 2.27%
official 1.67%
program 1.08%
bank 1.05%
school 0.96%
service 0.89%
group 0.89%
state 0.85%
option 0.08%
option + v. >>共 336
be 56.55%
include 6.83%
give 2.27%
enable 1.93%
have 1.50%
allow 1.39%
become 1.39%
expire 1.19%
remain 1.13%
seem 0.88%
offer 0.43%
每页显示:    共 15