1.   ...optical telescopes.

2.   Extrasolars are too far away to be detected by optical telescopes, so researchers look for subtle changes that orbiting planets induce in the appearance of their parent star.

3.   Like existing radio telescopes, SKA can see through the cosmic dust that obscures the view from conventional optical telescopes.

4.   On the other hand, to plot the orbit with data from the optical telescope may take hundreds of calculations over days or weeks, he said.

5.   Operators of virtually every large optical telescope in the world are likely to join in.

6.   Technology has enhanced the abilities of fixed optical telescopes, as well as radio telescopes.

7.   The AXAF mirrors are radically different from the flat, round ones on the Hubble and other optical telescopes.

8.   The eye and optical telescopes are blind to X-rays, which have wavelengths too short for humans to see or for ordinary optics to focus.

9.   The new observations were made with the Keck telescopes in Hawaii, the largest optical telescopes in the world.

10.   The new generation of optical telescopes can see much more than their forebears, largely because of two developments.

a. + telescope >>共 155
new 6.52%
powerful 6.04%
small 6.04%
ground-based 5.31%
ultraviolet 5.07%
large 4.83%
optical 4.59%
orbiting 3.38%
infrared 2.90%
giant 1.69%
optical + n. >>共 201
component 4.25%
system 3.97%
scanner 3.84%
fibre 3.84%
mouse 3.29%
network 3.29%
equipment 3.01%
instrument 3.01%
networking 2.88%
technology 2.60%
telescope 2.60%
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