1.   Fed officials opted to raise rates despite pleas from all parts of the political spectrum.

2.   He opted to raise the money rather than name the donors.

3.   The document said Israel could also opt to raise Egyptian human rights violations in Washington in an attempt to undermine U.S. aid to Egypt.

4.   The figure made it less likely that the Federal Reserve would soon opt to raise key interest rates, analysts said.

v. + raise >>共 188
use 9.76%
sell 8.03%
do 7.38%
work 5.86%
be 2.82%
run 1.74%
address 1.52%
establish 1.52%
spend 1.30%
form 1.30%
opt 0.87%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
raise 0.29%
每页显示:    共 4