1.   His mission took place during an increase in fighting between the Taliban religious army and an opposition comprised of former government troops and minority ethnic groups.

2.   The opposition comprises hardline Milosevic allies who advocate Yugoslav patriotism and closer ties with Belgrade.

3.   The opposition comprises religious and ethnic minorities with varying views.

4.   The opposition comprises religious and ethnic minorities, including the Shiite Muslims, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.

5.   The opposition comprises religious and ethnic minorities.

6.   The opposition comprises small groups mostly representing ethnic and religious minorities.

7.   The opposition comprise mainly of religious and ethnic minorities including Shiites, Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras.

8.   The opposition comprises ethnic and religious minorities and controls the remaining five percent of Afghanistan territory.

9.   The opposition largely comprises ethnic and religious minorities, including the Shiites Muslims, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.

10.   The opposition comprises ethnic and religious minorities, including Shiite Muslims, Hazaras, Tajiks and Uzbeks.

n. + comprise >>共 390
group 10.03%
committee 4.85%
team 3.88%
alliance 1.94%
opposition 1.62%
government 1.62%
council 1.62%
delegation 1.51%
commission 1.40%
board 1.19%
opposition + v. >>共 689
be 13.66%
say 7.20%
accuse 4.00%
claim 2.69%
call 2.60%
have 2.53%
win 2.39%
want 2.32%
demand 2.20%
come 1.90%
comprise 0.26%
每页显示:    共 15