1.   His appointment upset conservatives, who opposed the presence of a homosexual on the panel, even though most AIDS cases occurred among gay men.

2.   But some feared the gesture would further outrage Greek Orthodox zealots who strongly oppose the presence of the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

3.   But some Muslim fundamentalist groups oppose the presence of Americans.

4.   In Columbia, S.C., hundreds of people gathered for a rally to oppose the presence of the Confederate flag on the grounds of the Statehouse.

5.   Iran strongly opposes the presence of American military forces in the Gulf, saying they threaten regional stability and security.

6.   Jews oppose the presence of the Christian crosses, while the Roman Catholic church says they commemorate the suffering of all Auschwitz victims, Jews and Christians.

7.   Kosovars want a full independence, Serbs oppose the presence of a military force on their territory.

8.   Last month, he told The Independent newspaper of London that he opposes the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia.

9.   Kharrazi said that while Iran opposes the presence of U.S. or multinational forces in Afghanistan, the deployment of U.N. observers there would be acceptable.

10.   Many Georgians opposed the presence of Russian troops and saw the celebrations as an insult to Georgia.

v. + presence >>共 370
have 10.19%
increase 5.80%
expand 4.42%
confirm 3.95%
establish 3.48%
detect 3.04%
maintain 3.00%
feel 2.53%
indicate 2.33%
know 2.19%
oppose 1.18%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
presence 0.27%
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