1.   It opposes Cuban membership in international financial institutions.

2.   Membership will be voluntary, allowing the U.K., which opposes membership of currency grids, to remain out of it.

3.   Non-parliamentary political parties who oppose NATO membership have focused on the cost of NATO membership, saying the government will spend more on arms than on social security.

4.   The socialists originally opposed membership in NATO.

5.   The statement annoyed Russian leaders, who oppose NATO membership for any republics of the former Soviet Union.

6.   Polls consistently indicate that a majority of Norwegians oppose EU membership.

7.   Putin said Russia would not oppose membership for those three countries.

8.   A socialist who once opposed Spanish membership in NATO, Solana has emerged in recent years as a strong supporter of close trans-Atlantic ties.

9.   And it instructs the administration to oppose Cuban membership in the World Bank and other international lending institutions and to prevent them from giving Cuba economic advice.

10.   Archrival Greece opposes its membership.

v. + membership >>共 337
seek 11.04%
gain 3.52%
oppose 3.03%
expand 2.61%
approve 2.25%
increase 2.06%
offer 1.94%
support 1.70%
reject 1.70%
deny 1.64%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
membership 0.39%
每页显示:    共 50