1.   He was an opportunist and the opportunity presented itself.

2.   An opportunity presents itself.

3.   Analysts said HSBC will continue to grow in Latin America when the right opportunities present themselves and will continue to be cautious and extremely sensitive to price.

4.   An opportunity presented itself on Tuesday with the arrival in his capital, Belgrade, of a party of Russian peacemakers led by Yevgeny Primakov, the prime minister.

5.   And if the opportunity ever presented itself to write a screenplay, that would certainly appeal to her.

6.   And his diligence allows Thomas and Rolston to attack when the opportunity presents itself.

7.   And they need to start clearing the roster when the opportunity presents itself.

8.   And when the opportunity presented itself, they used a familiar ploy to get rid of him.

9.   And when the opportunity presents itself in the late innings, they deliver a crushing blow to break open the game.

10.   And when another opportunity presents itself, Williams will be more than ready to take the main stage again.

n. + present >>共 1311
government 4.10%
prosecutor 3.22%
official 1.87%
company 1.82%
side 1.74%
opportunity 1.67%
group 1.40%
lawyer 1.30%
researcher 1.23%
case 1.08%
opportunity + v. >>共 573
be 33.28%
come 5.42%
arise 4.56%
exist 2.59%
present 2.23%
abound 1.35%
play 1.18%
slip 1.08%
go 1.05%
knock 0.95%
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