1.   Each Decision involves a calculable opportunity cost of not having opted for something else.

2.   Empowerment increases the opportunity costs of children, prompting later Marriages and increasing the divorce rate, similarly lowering fertility.

3.   In order for Markets to be allocatively efficient, prices must correctly reflect the opportunity costs of goods.

4.   Lost revenues during shutdown periods are opportunity costs that can temporarily reduce profits.

5.   That is an opportunity cost just like investment analysts view opportunity costs.

6.   That is the private opportunity cost of the funds tied up in the project.

7.   The principle of opportunity cost was recognized by Congress when it eliminated the draft in favor of the volunteer army.

8.   This procedure ensures the minimum average project duration, gets the product on the market as early as possible, minimizes development costs and opportunity costs.

9.   The cost, including the opportunity cost, of value analysing existing products and implementing the results is significant and involves people from a wide range of company functions.

n. + cost >>共 875
labor 11.41%
production 8.91%
energy 3.75%
fuel 2.97%
health 2.22%
drug 2.09%
transportation 1.94%
development 1.92%
construction 1.79%
maintenance 1.66%
opportunity 0.48%
opportunity + n. >>共 105
cost 21.86%
society 3.28%
right 2.73%
complaint 2.19%
midway 2.19%
elsewhere 1.64%
gap 1.64%
office 1.64%
scholarship 1.64%
school 1.64%
每页显示:    共 40