1.   An unnecessary operation left him severely disabled.

2.   The operation left their son blind and brain-damaged.

3.   The surgeon was forced to admit that this operation would leave Dawn paralysed and wheelchair-bound for the rest of her life.

4.   There was a grave risk that the operation would leave him partly paralysed.

5.   Summing up has begun at the High Court in the case of a woman who claims that a routine jaw operation left her paralysed for life.

6.   Although the operation leaves many men impotent and incontinent, surgeons argue that removing the cancerous gland saves lives.

7.   A botched sex-change operation leaves the patient, now named Hedwig, with a knot of scar tissue, an angry inch.

8.   But the operation has left McMurtry in a quandary about self.

9.   He hopes the bypass operation leaves him in better condition than before.

10.   The emergency operation left him with a temporary colostomy, or an opening of the colon through the skin.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
operation 0.14%
operation + v. >>共 581
be 31.47%
continue 5.85%
begin 4.08%
take 3.94%
go 2.69%
have 2.57%
last 1.51%
resume 1.25%
involve 1.25%
include 1.21%
leave 0.56%
每页显示:    共 28