1.   Actually, it is understandable that Young is so secretive because with so many openings around the National Football League the environment is incredibly competitive.

2.   Seal the opening around the pipe with high-grade silicone-based caulk.

3.   The Cornell Cooperative Extension Service recommends sealing all cracks and openings around windows, doors, etc. with silicone or silcone-latex caulk and repairing screens.

4.   The ducts and pipes should be wrapped, and openings around incoming pipes and electrical wires should be plugged with insulation.

5.   The WTO is supposed to enforce the global trade accord and press for new openings around the world.

6.   They can come through doggie doors, holes in walls, openings around pipes and dryer ducts venting to the outside.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
people 2.17%
arm 1.57%
security 1.30%
time 0.86%
thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
opening 0.02%
opening + p. >>共 62
of 77.29%
to 4.35%
on 3.97%
up 3.08%
with 2.30%
round 1.21%
by 1.06%
over 0.72%
between 0.66%
into 0.63%
around 0.17%
每页显示:    共 6