1.   As China opens other industries, like telecommunications, financial services, and accounting, some analysts said foreign companies would rely less on Hong Kong as an interlocutor.

2.   Bajo de la Alumberara is the first major mining project since the industry was opened to competition four years ago.

3.   But Ramos, who was intent on privatizing the economy, opened the industry to competition, licensing rivals like Air Philippines, Cebu Pacific and Grand Air.

4.   By opening the industry to foreign competition, that figure could double by the end of the decade, Malinis said.

5.   In the name of lower energy costs, federal laws have been passed to open the industry to more competition.

6.   It also comes as utilities nationwide scramble to expand before deregulation opens the industry to fierce competition.

7.   Iran, which is off limits to U.S. companies, has been seeking to open its industry to European companies.

8.   Last week the House passed a bill that would end Depression-era controls on banking, opening financial industries to new mega-mergers.

9.   One of the lawsuits was filed by a representative of Argentine telecommunications company Impsat SA in an effort to open the industry to competition.

10.   Other telephone companies and telephone equipment companies rose on expectations a bill opening the industry to widespread competition will be approved by the end of next month.

v. + industry >>共 769
protect 2.88%
regulate 2.53%
deregulate 2.40%
dominate 2.14%
bank 1.90%
hurt 1.77%
help 1.72%
hit 1.66%
sue 1.56%
affect 1.50%
open 0.92%
open + n. >>共 626
fire 19.87%
door 10.24%
market 2.73%
way 2.42%
office 2.30%
investigation 2.16%
talk 2.14%
possibility 2.05%
eye 1.78%
window 1.18%
industry 0.12%
每页显示:    共 35