1.   Insurance is now sold only through agents affiliated with major insurers.

2.   Only through such action, he believes, can Germans atone for the past and his four sons be freed of the burden of guilt he carries.

3.   Only through the lone objection of Doggett, who happened to be on the floor that night, was the measure stopped.

4.   Only through Medicaid and food stamps can she support her three children, she said.

5.   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu survived a no-confidence vote in the parliament on Tuesday, though only through some last-minute deals and with several damaging defections.

6.   Not only through such established Web sites as www.Broadway.com but through chat rooms that allow everyone to be a critic.

a. + through >>共 922
available 14.84%
halfway 8.25%
resolved 3.25%
visible 3.07%
moving 2.45%
possible 2.45%
accessible 1.71%
open 1.45%
lost 1.33%
midway 1.24%
only 0.18%
only + p. >>共 31
in 20.30%
after 12.84%
for 10.75%
before 6.87%
of 6.57%
to 5.37%
with 5.37%
by 4.78%
as 3.88%
at 3.28%
through 1.79%
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