1.   He has been advised that rest is the only remedy for a recurring groin strain.

2.   The only remedy for an impaired water heater is to replace it.

3.   To counterbalance this earthly anchor the only remedy has been self-discipline and mortification of her natural inclinations.

4.   And it can go on like that for generations -- an endless cycle, for which research may show the only remedy to be neutering.

5.   And this is the only remedy, a response in kind.

6.   Aside from beefed-up security and surveillance, the only remedy I can envision is to try to defuse dangerous passions before they get out of control.

7.   Beside trying to regain his winning form, Nicklaus is pondering hip-replacement surgery, which might be the only remedy to his chronic problems.

8.   Absent that, the only remedy for an intolerable judge is to await his death or retirement.

9.   Alderson said a well-defined luxury tax is the only remedy to that problem.

10.   DeLay fought last week to block any censure resolution from being offered on the House floor, claiming that impeachment was the only remedy permitted by the Constitution.

a. + remedy >>共 400
herbal 9.81%
home 4.23%
legal 3.46%
cold 3.27%
possible 2.69%
best 2.44%
proposed 2.31%
only 2.24%
effective 1.86%
over-the-counter 1.79%
only + n. >>共 948
way 8.07%
one 7.63%
thing 6.22%
player 1.94%
person 1.83%
country 1.79%
team 1.69%
time 1.66%
problem 1.62%
place 1.27%
remedy 0.08%
每页显示:    共 35