1.   Conservative Republican freshmen have made him an honorary member of their legislative class, the only GOP incumbent so rewarded.

2.   Dooley was not the only incumbent targeted by the Coalition.

3.   House Majority Whip Tom DeLay of Texas is the only incumbent in the GOP leadership who is unopposed for re-election.

4.   In one of the toughest Senate races this year, Larry Pressler, a Republican, became the only incumbent to be dismissed by voters.

5.   The only other incumbent to lose in a primary this year was nine-term Democratic Rep. Matthew Martinez of California.

6.   The only Democratic House incumbent, Neal Smith, lost his seat to Greg Ganske.

7.   Wu is not the only incumbent who has faced attacks on his sexual morals this year.

8.   The only incumbent to remain in power from the previous administration was Li Decheng who was made vice mayor.

a. + incumbent >>共 156
democratic 24.48%
republican 22.82%
popular 3.87%
congressional 3.18%
vulnerable 2.21%
longtime 2.21%
current 1.52%
black 1.52%
the 1.24%
only 1.11%
only + n. >>共 948
way 8.07%
one 7.63%
thing 6.22%
player 1.94%
person 1.83%
country 1.79%
team 1.69%
time 1.66%
problem 1.62%
place 1.27%
incumbent 0.02%
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