1.   That stairwell had terra cotta tile on the walls that would likely fall off during a major earthquake and block the only exit, project engineer Stan Morimoto said.

2.   The only exit into Albania runs over deeply rutted dirt roads cut through the torturously steep mountains.

3.   The southern camps, by contrast, were hit from the south, and the only exit was a road going northwest, eventually entering the jungle.

4.   But by then, people had begun stampeding toward the only exit, crushing each other, smashing chairs and anything that came in their way.

5.   But by then people had begun stampeding towards the only exit, crushing each other, smashing chairs and anything that came in their way.

6.   Firefighters from the nearby French town of Chamonix have expressed concern that the only exit in the case of an emergency is the tunnel itself.

7.   Minutes later, fire erupted, burning alive the activists who were trapped inside after police blocked the only exit.

8.   Most of the deaths were caused by a stampede after the fire started as frightened people blocked the only exit.

9.   Others rushed to escape through the only exit, a narrow front corridor, where the bodies piled up waist-deep and dozens were trampled to death.

10.   She almost drowned in an underwater scene when a set worker accidentally closed off her only exit.

a. + exit >>共 308
early 14.95%
emergency 14.05%
quick 6.37%
graceful 2.94%
nearest 2.21%
new 2.04%
first 1.47%
only 1.47%
final 1.14%
round 1.14%
only + n. >>共 948
way 8.07%
one 7.63%
thing 6.22%
player 1.94%
person 1.83%
country 1.79%
team 1.69%
time 1.66%
problem 1.62%
place 1.27%
exit 0.04%
每页显示:    共 18