1.   As selective incentives are only available to group members, they are not estimated in the way in which collective benefits are.

2.   Equally, science would be much less advanced than it is if the only available data were intuitive estimates of quantities.

3.   However, icons are only available if you use the WYSIWYG add-in.

4.   It is only available via mail order from Cordingley Barnes.

5.   Many foods were only available on the black Market.

d. + available >>共 191
immediately 32.42%
not 26.67%
also 5.17%
readily 4.33%
widely 3.67%
now 2.56%
yet 1.81%
still 1.62%
only 1.53%
currently 1.28%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
available 0.47%
每页显示:    共 256