1.   Deeper, more obvious onion flavor in every bite than others tried.

2.   Instead it has a subtle onion flavor that makes it much more complex and interesting.

3.   A few blades of chives on the plate are decorative and also add a subtle onion flavor.

4.   A young, twig-thin leek has a bright onion flavor and a fibrous quality to its flesh, like asparagus.

5.   Chives add not only a mild onion flavor but a touch of presentation.

6.   Made with two large onions, the dish had an overwhelming onion flavor, which left a bitter taste.

7.   Others thought the onion flavor was stale and artificial.

8.   Some also detected an old onion flavor.

9.   The others had little onion flavor, off-putting colors or artificial notes.

10.   The result will be a fresher onion flavor in the finished dish.

n. + flavor >>共 225
fruit 11.68%
corn 3.39%
butter 3.01%
apple 3.01%
berry 2.45%
lemon 2.45%
tea 2.45%
anise 2.07%
onion 2.07%
licorice 1.88%
onion + n. >>共 140
ring 13.72%
mixture 11.64%
slice 8.11%
soup 3.95%
powder 3.74%
sauce 2.70%
dip 2.29%
dome 2.29%
flavor 2.29%
skin 2.08%
每页显示:    共 11