1.   Some one might question why acute illness should merit free care while chronic ones should not.

2.   Er, so which one shall we.

3.   If any case in America history prompts us to examine the nature of justice, this one should.

4.   Q. If I could shop at just one out-of-this-world store in London, which one should it be?

5.   This one should.

6.   Walaker is also the one to blame should Fargo happen to get swallowed up by a flood anytime soon.

n. + shall >>共 437
government 2.22%
investor 1.59%
people 1.27%
woman 1.11%
country 0.95%
man 0.95%
one 0.95%
company 0.95%
team 0.79%
group 0.79%
one + v. >>共 634
be 33.31%
have 6.14%
come 2.37%
go 1.91%
do 1.91%
get 1.21%
seem 1.13%
take 0.96%
make 0.94%
look 0.77%
shall 0.05%
每页显示:    共 6