1.   As a city it has a great deal to offer - especially to some one like myself who works in the rag trade.

2.   But then along came some one like Lucas, and put the Mark of Cain on everybody.

3.   How can you even mention experience to some one like me?

4.   I was not comfortable talking to kids, particularly boys, and I avoided the older ones like the plague.

5.   If some one like Sam Nunn from my home state were to be president our cause would prosper.

6.   If you are, you are in good company with some one like Alfred North Whitehead.

7.   It is painful, then, that some one like Marge Piercy can ignore its reverberations in our present age.

8.   Just seeing me there would trigger thief responses of some one like Gharr.

9.   She seemed a thoughtful person, some one of like nature to Mary Smith, but with much more up top.

10.   Some one like you is likely to lie down in the street and starve to death.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
country 1.89%
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player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
city 1.05%
one 0.27%
one + p. >>共 88
of 20.16%
in 19.10%
for 11.90%
with 9.56%
on 6.06%
at 4.40%
from 3.73%
to 3.37%
about 1.88%
by 1.83%
like 1.37%
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