1.   First he tried to oust Keenan as ward committeeman by running some one against him in the election for ward leadership.

2.   This defensive reaction is a learned one against the pain of remembered failure.

3.   Phil Gelderd praised the list in glowing terms before going to his first Leeds game for years -- sadly for him he picked the recent one against Norwich.

4.   The one against Celtic and the other vs Barcelona.

5.   And it was cases like the one against Kota, says Kallstrom, that first made authorities realize the extent of the problem.

6.   Another one against Farmer is Lee C. Falke, Montgomery County prosecutor at the time of the murders.

7.   At Notre Dame, all the games need to be won, but especially the one against USC.

8.   A spokesman said the hospital trade group will launch a second drive, this one against the Senate version of the overhaul proposal, later Tuesday.

9.   After every victory like the one against Dallas on Monday night, there will come a loss like the one they will experience against New Orleans.

10.   Again, one against one, man on man.

n. + against >>共 787
charge 4.54%
action 3.46%
game 3.28%
sanction 2.93%
case 2.74%
campaign 2.72%
attack 2.67%
fight 2.46%
war 1.99%
match 1.82%
one 0.10%
one + p. >>共 88
of 20.16%
in 19.10%
for 11.90%
with 9.56%
on 6.06%
at 4.40%
from 3.73%
to 3.37%
about 1.88%
by 1.83%
against 0.96%
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