1.   But as the oil men realised that we meant business, seizures began to drop.

2.   An oil man said he thought it was leaking because he felt some oil on the bottom of the tank.

3.   And on Saturday, George W. Bush, a former oil man and one-time doubter of the science behind global warming, became president.

4.   As an oil man, his companies struck far more dry holes than gushers.

5.   After all, the Dallas oil man was known for his sartorial style -- monogrammed shirts, fine suits, manicured hands.

6.   Bush, a former West Texas oil man, emphasized his belief that government should be smaller and do less.

7.   But like oil men everywhere, they have a special reverence for the latest in high technology.

8.   But oil men know better.

9.   He grew up in a world of privilege, the son of Oklahoma oil man Boots Adams.

10.   If nothing happens, then a suit is up to you, but your oil man, who usually maintains oil burners and heating equipment, could do it.

n. + man >>共 910
security 9.90%
setup 3.99%
delivery 2.19%
mystery 1.80%
maintenance 1.66%
baseball 1.64%
set-up 1.50%
head 1.39%
money 1.11%
tax 1.11%
oil 0.86%
oil + n. >>共 374
company 15.46%
price 14.04%
industry 3.75%
export 2.88%
production 2.17%
stock 2.15%
producer 2.12%
refinery 2.08%
sale 2.01%
spill 1.84%
man 0.14%
每页显示:    共 31