1.   American oil companies deal extensively with Nigeria, and what America thinks should matter very much to the military strong men who rule the country with an iron fist.

2.   It will be revised following complaints from state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, said Finance Minister Luis Raul Matos Azocar following the weekly cabinet meeting.

3.   Meanwhile, in Congress, some lawmakers have been pushing for a legislation that would remove from American financial markets any oil companies doing business in Sudan.

4.   Occidental de Hidrocarburos, an unit of Occidental Petroleum Corp., operates the Desarrollo Zulia Occidental marginal field in Venezuela for the state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA.

5.   Oil companies Elf Aquitaine SA and Total SA rose.

6.   Oil companies Total and its bigger rival Elf Aquitaine fell.

7.   Oil companies Elf Aquitaine and Total, who sell their oil for dollars, fell.

8.   Oil companies Total SA and Elf Aquitaine SA, both of which unveil first-half results next week, could be among the gainers.

9.   Opponents said the administration should be able to charge oil companies more money because they are now paying much less than they owe.

10.   State oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA and government-controlled utility Centrais Eletricas Brazileiras SA led decliners.

n. + company >>共 145
oil 8.52%
telecommunication 5.99%
telephone 4.73%
construction 3.79%
sister 3.47%
phone 2.84%
insurance 2.52%
medium 2.21%
software 2.21%
beverage 1.89%
oil + v. >>共 357
be 27.97%
flow 2.87%
come 2.60%
begin 2.28%
fall 2.23%
have 2.18%
rise 2.18%
leak 1.59%
company 1.43%
start 1.27%
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