1.   Gently turn mixture in oil with a wooden spoon, and adjust heat so oil bubbles lazily.

2.   The oil should bubble up around each piece.

3.   Anton Moldan, pollution officer at the department, said Tuesday that fresh oil was seen bubbling to the surface near where the Apollo Sea went down.

4.   Its last reported position corresponds with where oil is bubbling to the surface, she said.

n. + bubble >>共 140
mixture 6.13%
water 3.77%
cheese 1.89%
oil 1.89%
tension 1.89%
air 1.42%
debate 1.42%
emotion 1.42%
controversy 1.42%
inflation 1.42%
oil + v. >>共 357
be 27.97%
flow 2.87%
come 2.60%
begin 2.28%
fall 2.23%
have 2.18%
rise 2.18%
leak 1.59%
company 1.43%
start 1.27%
bubble 0.21%
每页显示:    共 4