1.   Housing official signed transfer forms and I was told I would receive notification of anew house within a week.

2.   At a press conference, Miho officials signed an agreement with Chinese cultural officials that returns ownership of the statue.

3.   At each port, he had customs agents or immigration officials sign affidavits verifying that he had arrived and had set out alone.

4.   A month after Maryland officials signed the deal, Bush has undone it.

5.   But there was one awkward moment, after American and Chinese government and corporate officials signed a series of diplomatic and business deals.

6.   Chinese officials will sign the global trade accord Sunday, paving the way for formal entry by the end of this year or start of next year.

7.   City officials signed tentative agreements with the Major League Baseball teams that pave the way toward construction of the spring training facility.

8.   City, federal and tribal officials signed an agreement in January requiring the city to notify the tribe should remains be discovered.

9.   In one example, a senior business office official signed documents awarding contracts to a vendor for which he is a consultant.

10.   In related action today, Ex-Im and Russian officials signed a memorandum of understanding for loan guarantees to Russian buyers of forestry equipment.

n. + sign >>共 737
country 7.81%
company 6.28%
side 4.90%
president 4.52%
government 3.93%
leader 3.45%
official 3.29%
team 2.71%
agreement 2.11%
player 1.84%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
sign 0.09%
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