1.   American Media officials point out that the paper is published by satellite at seven printing plants around the country, none of which is in Florida.

2.   And some public officials point out that taxpayers may gain in the long run because private prison guards will not be on public pensions when they retire.

3.   Bengals officials point out that Cleveland has a better stadium deal than the one Cincinnati has given the Bengals.

4.   Both Russian and Iranian officials point out that Iran has placed the Bushehr plant under the rigid safeguards and inspection regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

5.   Administration officials point out there agenda aims to tackle the long range problems.

6.   But across the country there have been a slew of incidents that sports officials say point to a worrisome trend.

7.   But administration officials point out that nearly any use of excess Social Security taxes would involve double counting.

8.   But Microsoft officials point out that interactive television and advanced broad-band networks will take years to reach large segments of the population.

9.   But officials point out the shifting soil makes renovations short-lived.

10.   But while crediting the moves the Yankees made, the officials point out that few teams could have made them economically.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
official 1.14%
official + n. >>共 397
say 16.02%
close 7.30%
fear 6.04%
point 4.84%
hope 3.87%
claim 3.06%
suspect 2.31%
hostage 2.16%
worry 1.79%
access 1.56%
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