1.   But the image was offset when judicial officials in Milan leaked news that Judge Italo Ghitti had ordered the trial of Paolo Berlusconi.

2.   Government officials also leaked confidential company tax return information, set up illegal wiretaps and videotapes and covered up their own wrongdoing, the company said.

3.   In her statement, Bay Buchanan suggested that convention officials had deliberately leaked details of the telephone conversation before her brother had a chance to respond.

4.   Israeli officials have leaked proposals that would be the largest concessions Israel ever offered and Palestinians have shown increased flexibility in living next to the Jewish state.

5.   It was telling that Irish officials were leaking the report before their British counterparts.

6.   Other American officials eventually leaked the true story.

7.   She alleges that the Clinton administration violated her privacy rights when a Pentagon official leaked confidential information from her FBI background file to a news reporter.

8.   The abortion issue overshadowed education, the designated Bush message of the day, as administration officials leaked word that the President planned to sign the funding ban.

9.   The officials have leaked word that Indonesia will soon promise to further open its economy to competition.

10.   Also Wednesday, military officials leaked a confidential military report to news organizations, including The Associated Press.

n. + leak >>共 307
word 7.68%
water 6.15%
roof 6.15%
news 4.14%
oil 3.55%
gas 2.72%
information 2.13%
fuel 1.89%
official 1.89%
detail 1.77%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
leak 0%
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