1.   Bao Zunxin said Sunday that measures taken by the Communist Party to combat official graft so far have been piecemeal and lack the force of law.

2.   Critics say he wants to impose a dictatorship, though Chavez contends he is merely shaking up a political system corroded by official graft and patronage politics.

3.   European donor nations on Thursday warned the Malawi government to crack down on official graft or face aid cuts.

4.   Even President Jiang Zemin, in internal speeches this year, has warned the party would be finished in ten years if it cannot root out official graft.

5.   He pledged more prosperity and continued efforts to fight official graft coupled with firm resistance to challengers to party rule.

6.   He served in the government as sports minister but resigned after only five months in office to protest official graft and form a break-away opposition group.

7.   In pursuing their campaign, Chinese leaders have acknowledged that rampant official graft has provoked widespread public anger that could undermine Communist Party rule unless assuaged.

8.   Party leaders are believed to want to make an example of Chen to ease public anger over official graft and other abuses.

9.   The Bank Saderat case increased public pressure on the government to take action to stamp out official graft at a time when the economy is deteriorating.

10.   The police are widely viewed as corrupt, although the government of President B.J. Habibie has pledged to curb official graft.

a. + graft >>共 73
rampant 9.80%
official 7.84%
massive 5.23%
hard 5.23%
widespread 3.92%
alleged 3.27%
high-level 3.27%
political 3.27%
endemic 2.61%
philippine 2.61%
official + n. >>共 875
visit 7.68%
result 2.67%
source 2.63%
announcement 2.29%
statement 2.14%
report 1.94%
confirmation 1.89%
figure 1.57%
newspaper 1.46%
language 1.44%
graft 0.04%
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