1.   A woman officer also recently admitted having a close relationship with a prisoner during rehearsals for a play which Mr. Lodge produced.

2.   Army officers admit they are supplying guns, but say their aim is maintaining order.

3.   A scandal in which an officer admits that an innocent man was framed can have a devastating effect on the credibility of other officers.

4.   But privately some officers admit the force might only facilitate a U.N. withdrawal.

5.   Federal investigators are looking into charges of corruption, and six former officers have admitted framing suspects, planting evidence and stealing money.

6.   High-ranking officers admit the department has its prejudiced cops but say most know when to keep their mouths shut.

7.   In reality, senior officers admit that the mission will not be going back for weeks, if at all.

8.   NATO officers admit that beyond their stated goal, building confidence between the two sides and persuading them to solve their problems politically is the much bigger task.

9.   Senior officers now admit that in their haste to do so, they recruited everyone willing to join -- from teen-agers and street thugs to enemy infiltrators.

10.   The officers admitted they had lied about which day Biko had received a head injury because they had not followed regulations about seeking medical help.

n. + admit >>共 864
official 14.83%
government 3.55%
company 3.35%
man 2.35%
player 1.71%
police 1.61%
leader 1.48%
authority 1.46%
president 1.33%
executive 1.10%
officer 0.87%
officer + v. >>共 754
say 12.40%
be 9.59%
have 2.27%
tell 1.69%
find 1.63%
arrive 1.39%
try 1.33%
fire 1.31%
take 1.31%
go 1.17%
admit 0.23%
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