1.   Thus high office remains accessible to a relatively wide range of royal kin and commoners wield significant power over the succession.

2.   Lesser offices remained the preserve of local men, although they were usually people of limited importance.

3.   As tourists pour into Spain, bank offices remain open on Sundays to meet the demand for services.

4.   Administration officials said Social Security checks would be mailed on time and Social Security field offices would remain open to help people applying for new benefits.

5.   But five offices still remain without directors, including London, where Davis spent four days last week.

6.   Cheryl Mimura, an FBI spokeswoman, said the office would remain in its same state of alert as before.

7.   Employees in the postal facilities in SubTropolis said they were not concerned that their office remained open while awaiting initial environmental test results.

8.   Government offices will remain closed on Wednesday.

9.   He did so for several months, although his Shanghai office remained open.

10.   It is not clear how long the office will remain closed.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
office 0.15%
office + v. >>共 716
be 18.08%
say 13.93%
have 5.34%
receive 2.58%
open 1.34%
close 1.29%
announce 1.00%
provide 1.00%
investigate 1.00%
remain 0.94%
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