1.   Artefacts can often awaken a natural curiosity which offers links with people in the past who may have made, owned or used the object.

2.   This topic also offers useful links with geography and other subjects.

3.   Although this site does not have a search function, it does offer links to other Paris Web sites.

4.   America Online, for example, offers no link to the World Wide Web, which is rapidly developing as the destination for online commerce and advertising.

5.   Among the competitors is Yahoo, one of the most visited sites on the Internet, which licenses and offers links to local content.

6.   And some offer links to information about the presidential campaign and financial planning.

7.   Apart from their own musings on current events, most high-quality blogs also offer Web links to the news stories that got their authors thinking.

8.   BESS provides a family-friendly home page, offering links to other fun and educational content on the World Wide Web.

9.   Both also offer links to other sites.

10.   Both sites offer links to other sites.

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