1.   Advanced degrees in higher education administration, educational supervision, and college student affairs are offered in many colleges and universities.

2.   I seek guidance, never dare I offer it in such matters.

3.   In indoor aquariums we can prepare much better and more stable conditions than are offered in their natural habitat.

4.   Most of the teaching was offered in small tutorial groups with close association between staff and students.

5.   Mrs Watt offered lessons in music, and manual training was available anywhere on the campus.

6.   Product management is developing a standardized suite of managed services that will be offered in the new data centers.

7.   Projects are offered in a wide range of science laboratories in the university and medical school.

8.   Science and reason seem now to offer mankind more hope of happiness and a Decrease in suffering than is offered in religions.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
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offer 0.12%
offer + p. >>共 92
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on 13.18%
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up 9.26%
by 3.58%
through 2.78%
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每页显示:    共 883