1.   Any major offensive action would not have public support, he predicted.

2.   As the morning wore on, however, little was done, even as reports of Japanese offensive action around the Philippines began to accumulate.

3.   But Copel conceded the danger that, once engaged in offensive action to protect U.N. peacekeepers, the Anglo-French battle group might find itself gradually drawn into all-out war.

4.   For any offensive action there must be a defined mission.

5.   However, he stressed, no U.S. ground troops would be used in offensive action against the Yugoslavs.

6.   It was the first time the U.S. Navy had sunk a Nazi submarine in a purely offensive action.

7.   Lucic said that the calm that fell over the Sarajevo front lines a few days ago was planned and that further offensive action could start soon.

8.   Sharon last week said he would honor the Mitchell committee report by calling off offensive military actions against the Palestinians.

9.   Sharon said the restrictions would remain in force for now, but Israeli officials warned that if deadly Palestinian attacks continued, the army would resume offensive action.

10.   The history of pro football shows us that for every offensive action, there is a defensive reaction.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
offensive 0.32%
offensive + n. >>共 399
line 17.60%
coordinator 14.25%
lineman 10.75%
tackle 6.28%
player 2.98%
rebound 2.25%
weapon 1.72%
guard 1.29%
play 1.11%
end 0.86%
action 0.66%
每页显示:    共 66