1.   And she said that she did not think his offenses warranted his removal from office.

2.   Lieutenant Flinn has publicly admitted some of the charges, but has questioned whether the offenses warrant court-martial.

3.   She has publicly admitted at least some of the charges but has questioned whether the offenses warrant court-martial.

4.   We believe that these offenses warrant censure, the sterner the better.

n. + warrant >>共 166
situation 8.62%
evidence 7.83%
condition 6.79%
arrest 5.22%
circumstance 3.66%
case 3.13%
development 2.61%
event 1.83%
prospect 1.83%
problem 1.57%
offense 1.04%
offense + v. >>共 416
be 27.39%
have 4.55%
struggle 2.64%
go 2.60%
do 2.53%
come 1.94%
take 1.86%
sputter 1.86%
score 1.83%
carry 1.75%
warrant 0.16%
每页显示:    共 4