1.   All had oesophageal varices at endoscopy.

2.   Twenty of the patients had portal hypertension, shown by the presence of endoscopically proved oesophageal varices, with or without splenomegaly.

3.   Endoscopic sclerotherapy is the cornerstone for both acute and elective management of bleeding oesophageal varices.

4.   Bleeding from oesophageal varices carries a high mortality.

5.   Randomised controlled trials in patients with chronic liver disease have shown that endoscopic sclerotherapy reduces the risk of rebleeding from oesophageal varices and may prolong survival.

6.   Most are a direct continuation of oesophageal varices and may respond to injection sclerotherapy from reflux of sclerosant below the cardia.

7.   Injection sclerotherapy is now the accepted first line treatment for bleeding oesophageal varices, although it is associated with an impressive list of rare complications.

8.   Oesophageal transection and devascularisation are satisfactory for many patients with oesophageal varices secondary to cirrhosis and should nearly always control bleeding.

9.   Repeat sclerotherapy may be effective for small oesophageal varices while liver transplantation may be indicated in the patient with deteriorating liver function.

10.   In a prospective three centre study oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation have been compared with endoscopic sclerotherapy in the long term management of bleeding oesophageal varices.

n. + varix >>共 6
oesophageal 68.42%
anorectal 10.53%
adhesion 5.26%
de 5.26%
delta 5.26%
varix 5.26%
oesophageal + n. >>共 82
sphincter 7.39%
varix 4.58%
pressure 4.58%
motility 3.87%
mucosa 3.52%
transection 3.52%
manometry 3.52%
function 3.17%
carcinoma 3.17%
stricture 3.17%
每页显示:    共 13