1.   It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.

2.   The most lengthy and energetic discussion occurred around financial goals because both groups had surprised themselves by setting very high growth targets.

3.   This type of migraine is triggered by lowered oestrogen levels which occur around the time of a period.

4.   Thus by completely reversing the cycle, mating will occur around midday.

5.   Tallis was charred wood, hardening, still aware through this gate into the first forest of what was occurring around her.

6.   The tension between the buyer and the seller in this area occurs around retention of title clauses.

7.   An exception to this rule occurs around the periparturient period when immunity wanes, particularly in heifers, and there are reports of clinical disease following calving.

8.   Copulation occurs around day seven in the trachea or bronchi after which the female grows rapidly.

9.   A spokesman added, however, that more detailed investigations were needed to determine exactly why clusters of cases had occurred around the country.

v. + around >>共 793
build 3.35%
gather 3.02%
sit 2.73%
look 2.10%
hang 1.99%
swirl 1.97%
center 1.97%
rally 1.83%
scattered 1.70%
stand 1.48%
occur 0.52%
occur + p. >>共 77
in 41.15%
at 9.13%
on 7.73%
during 5.63%
near 4.25%
after 3.25%
with 2.50%
over 2.06%
before 2.05%
as 1.99%
around 0.93%
每页显示:    共 112