1.   American officials say Cengic was aggressively obstructing their efforts to reduce mistrust between the Croat and Muslim armies so as to help them eventually merge.

2.   Democrats contend that the Republicans are seeking to obstruct reasonable efforts to ensure that the vote results are as accurate as possible.

3.   He charged the judge improperly obstructed efforts by himself and others to oppose the settlement,

4.   He charged the judge improperly obstructed efforts by himself and others to oppose the settlement.

5.   He obstructed efforts to find and destroy his weapons of mass destruction.

6.   Heirs and Holocaust survivors accused the banks of obstructing efforts to locate the accounts.

7.   Instead of cooperating with the court, he obstructed its efforts.

8.   Journalists have accused the prince of being excessively thin-skinned and of trying to obstruct their efforts to do their job.

9.   Since then, Bush has portrayed the Democratic-controlled Senate, and Daschle in particular, as obstructing efforts to help workers and revive the economy.

10.   The commission faulted both the government and the southern rebels with obstructing efforts to research the figure.

v. + effort >>共 652
make 10.71%
hamper 3.33%
support 3.26%
continue 3.03%
step_up 2.47%
coordinate 2.23%
lead 2.13%
block 1.69%
resist 1.49%
undermine 1.47%
obstruct 0.27%
obstruct + n. >>共 206
justice 31.39%
effort 4.57%
investigation 4.37%
view 4.05%
police 4.05%
work 3.53%
traffic 1.87%
administration 1.56%
business 1.46%
search 1.25%
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