1.   Britain was accused of failing to fulfil its obligations under the EU Treaty.

2.   The government failed to honour its obligations under the terms of the agreement.

3.   This justifies any discrepancy with the rigid treaty rule in favour of extending the rights and obligations under the treaties.

4.   This section lists long-term debt owed to banks or other creditors and any obligations under capital leases.

5.   Another disadvantage is that there is no guarantee that one counterparty will not default and fail to deliver his obligations under the contract.

6.   It is disappointing that their Lordships did not refer the question of the extent of the interpretative obligation under Marleasing to the ECJ.

7.   Act at all times in a manner that gives full effect to your obligations under the law and the regulatory framework.

8.   An old domestic cabinet will not enable you to meet your legal obligations under current legislation.

9.   The courts have used regulatory rules in determining whether an obligation under the general law exists or has been broken in a number of ways.

n. + under >>共 1783
area 1.86%
year 0.87%
government 0.73%
city 0.72%
place 0.66%
right 0.63%
life 0.63%
country 0.60%
company 0.60%
election 0.59%
obligation 0.50%
obligation + p. >>共 51
to 31.26%
of 19.61%
under 12.06%
on 6.07%
in 5.25%
for 4.35%
as 3.69%
with 2.38%
by 2.30%
at 1.15%
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