1.   A general obligation bond is repaid through property taxes.

2.   Authorizes general obligation bonds.

3.   General obligation bonds differ from certificates of participation in that they are backed by the taxing power of the issuer, in this case the township.

4.   Given the strong economy, Miller recommended that investors look to general obligation tax-free bonds that are backed by tax revenue.

5.   If the proposition passes, the general obligation bonds would be made available by the Texas Public Finance Authority to counties from El Paso to Brownsville.

6.   Investors are willing to pay less of a premium when they buy general obligation bonds than they used to, relative to revenue bonds.

7.   Lehman Brothers Inc. will manage the syndicate of underwriters selling the general obligation bonds.

8.   Orange County plans to sell new taxable pension obligation bonds to refinance the securities that are tendered.

9.   The change will help the district diversify its debt load from just general obligation bonds.

10.   The bonds appeared to have been priced near the yields of similarly rated Florida general obligation bonds.

n. + bond >>共 373
government 44.38%
mortgage 5.69%
treasury 4.97%
high-yield 2.55%
war 1.96%
benchmark 1.67%
market 1.47%
cash 0.92%
year 0.78%
construction 0.75%
obligation 0.59%
obligation + n. >>共 18
bond 40.00%
debt 11.11%
broadcaster 6.67%
have 6.67%
literature 4.44%
payable 4.44%
call 2.22%
deal 2.22%
grant 2.22%
journalism 2.22%
每页显示:    共 18