1.   Colleagues, National Health Service, composite motion fourteen and motion three O five.

2.   Motion three O five to be moved by London Region.

3.   Eric, London Region, Section three O five.

4.   Edna, speaking on behalf of the C E C on composite fourteen and motion three O five.

5.   That fight will be helped if you vote for composite fourteen and motion three O five.

6.   As Edna indicated colleagues, the C E C are supporting comp fourteen and three O five.

7.   Two O five, thank you.

8.   Five hundred pounds for one O five.

9.   Two O five two O five, thank you.

10.   Two O five, the same buyer.

a. + five >>共 219
top 24.05%
the 12.10%
last 7.92%
high 7.20%
first 4.97%
starting 4.54%
remaining 3.31%
next 2.02%
past 1.51%
final 1.15%
o 0.94%
o + n. >>共 88
five 9.42%
three 5.80%
two 5.80%
blood 3.62%
sea 3.62%
virus 2.90%
man 2.17%
nine 2.17%
one 2.17%
strain 2.17%
每页显示:    共 13