1.   Both types belong to the kidney bean family and have a slightly nutty flavour.

2.   The seeds have a nutty flavour.

3.   This coffee has a rich nutty flavour.

4.   Wild rice has a very nutty flavour.

5.   White poppy seeds have a distinctive nutty flavour.

6.   Roasted slivers of almond with its slight hint of burnt aroma laces the dish with a nutty flavour.

7.   This gives a nutty flavour to the cake and is lovely to chew on as it offers a totally contrasting texture to the smooth creaminess of the cheesecake topping.

a. + flavour >>共 111
distinctive 6.22%
strong 4.66%
nutty 3.63%
delicate 3.11%
special 3.11%
international 2.59%
new 2.59%
delicious 2.07%
different 2.07%
local 2.07%
nutty + n. >>共 106
flavor 21.24%
taste 5.18%
idea 4.15%
flavour 3.63%
quality 3.11%
professor 2.59%
aroma 2.07%
smell 1.55%
way 1.55%
people 1.04%
每页显示:    共 7